Beon, CitiPower, Powercor, United EnergyEvents attending Melbourne 2025Overview At CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy, we’re proud to deliver electricity to ~2 million Victorian customers every day through our network of poles and wires. Through Beon Energy Solutions, we’re also developing large-scale solar and wind farms, as well as building major power infrastructure. But more than that, we’re here to power communities, support local businesses and keep critical services running smoothly, we’re essential to them all. As Victorians electrify everything from homes to transport, we’re focused on ensuring our networks are ready to meet that demand. If you want to be part of something essential, be essential with us. Website Graduate Recruiting Website Industry Electricity distribution Residency Status Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent Residents, International Students Students Eligible First year/second year/penultimate year students, Final year students, Graduates, Postgraduate students, High School students Degree Subjects Eligible Accounting, Arts, Business, Management, Commerce, Economics etc, Engineering, Human Resources, Science, Social Sciences Programs Offered Graduate employment, Employment for those already in the workforce, Vacation work/internships/work experience within Australia, Scholarships Professional Qualifications Chartered Accountants Program offered by Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand, Support to become a Chartered Professional Engineer Program offered by Engineers Australia Closing date for Applications Engineering - 31 March, All other streams - 5 May Diversity and Inclusion Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, LGBTIQ+ candidates, People with a Disability, Mature age candidates Graduate Recruitment Video |